duminică, 11 aprilie 2010


Acestea sunt primele chips-uri pe care le fac la aparatul de deshidratat. L-am cumparat recent si abia acum descopar ce poate face.
Va dau ingredientele de la chips-urile galbene pentru ca au iesit mai bune decat cele rosii.

1 ardei gras Bianca
1 ardei kapia rosu
1 rosie
1 morcov mare
1 ceapa (mica sau medie)
1/2 cana mazare
1/2 cana porumb
1/2 cana susan
sare (se pot pune diferite condimente, dupa gust)

* ardeii se pot inlocui si cu ardei rosu sau galben
* morcovul l-am dat prin razatoare intai
* mazarea si porumbul erau din punga congelata, doar le-am dat printr-un jet de apa

Toate se dau prin blender sau prin tocatorul cu lama S. Se aseaza pe foaia de copt, in forma dorita si se pun la deshidratat. La mine au stat toata noaptea.

* Nu am un deshidrator puternic, ceea ce le face sa stea mai mult la deshidratat, si nu am decat buton pornit/oprit asa ca nu pot indica temperatura.

These are the first chips I make at my dehydrator. I bought it recently and now I discover what it can do.
I give you the ingredients for the yellow chips because they turned out better than the red ones.

1 Bianca green pepper
1 red capia pepper
1 tomato
1 carrot (big)
1 onion (small or medium)
1/2 cup green peas
1/2 cup corn
1/2 cup sesame seeds
salt (you can add any spices, to your taste)

* you can replace the peppers with bell pepper, any color
* I grated the carrot first
* the corn and the green peas were frozen, I just rinsed them quickly

Blend all the ingredients, or you can use the food processor.
Put them on the baking sheet (or teflex sheet) in the shape that you want and dehydrate them. Mine took all night.

* I don't have a powerful dehydrator that's why it may take longer, and I only have a on/off button so I can't indicate the temperature.

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